By -

1. Make new sentences. 
Buatlah kalimat baru!

Example :
Good morning, Anna.
                  (Jhon, Rani)

- Good morning Jhon
- Good morning Rani

a. Good morning Sir. How are you?
    (Mr.Ed, Mrs. Black, Mr. Brown)

b. Good afternoon Mr. Jhon. How are you? (Good morning, Good evening, Hi, Hello)

c. Good bye, Mr. Brown. See you tomorrow (this evening, tonight, later, tomorrow morning)

d. He is very well, thank you. And how are you? (Rani, Virda, Ghani)

Chek KEY

2. Use the right word
Gunakan kata yang benar !

Fine                afternoon              how
This                see                         good
You                 am                         very

a. ............... you tomorrow.
b. How are ........... tonight?
c. ............... well, thank you.
d. ..............., thank you.
e. ............... evening, Mr. Jhon.
f. I .............  Mrs. Anna.
g. How are you ............... evening?
h. Good ..............
i .  .............. are you

Chek KEY

3. Use the right verb !
Gunakan kata kerja yang benar!

is                       are

a. ............. you Mr. Brown?
b. How .......... Ghani?
c. He ...... very well, thank you.
d. How ..... you Mr. Wood
e. How ..... you this evening, Mr. Cowboy
f. ..... he well today?
g. ......Mrs. Sweet well this afternoon ?.
h. How ........ Mr. and Mrs. Jhon this night?
i.  How ...... Rani and Rano this morning?
j.  Mr. and Mrs. Jhon ....... fine, thank you.
k. Ghani and Virda ......... very well, thanks.
l.  They ...... fine, thank you.
m. Rani ...... fine, thanks.
n. .......... you Farid Azri Ghani?
o.  How ....... you and Mrs. Anna?

Chek KEY